5/8/20 SFAC Meeting - Draft Minutes
SFAC Meeting
Friday, May 8, 2020
Via Zoom
SFAC Members:
- Arden Childers, AS Vice President for Finance; SFAC Co-Chair
- Katryna Johnson, AS Senator for Sustainability;
- Melissa Ann Kadar, Exec VP of AS;
- Elias Lopez, Designee for VP for Student Affairs, and SFAC Co-Chair;
- Lisette Rico Caballero, AS Senator for Undeclared; (replacing Emily Miller, AS VP for External Affairs)
- Leonel “Leo” Navarro, AS Senator for Business and Econ and designee for AS President; (absent)
- Elizabeth O’Brien, as designee for Joyce Lopes, VP for Admin. & Finance;
- Dr. Hollis Robbins, Dean, School of Arts & Humanities as designee for Provost, VP for Academic Affairs;
- Laura Watt, Chair of the Faculty; (absent)
- Hilary C. Smith, Research Services & User Experience Librarian; Student Affairs Committee Rep
Non-Voting SFAC Members:
- Hayley Avery, Budget Manager, University Budget and Planning
- Erik Dickson, Executive Director, Associated Students;
- David Crozier, Acting Director of Financial Aid;
- Sue Hardisty, Administrative Assistant, VP for Student Affairs Office
- Laura Monje-Paulson, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
- Anna Reynolds-Smith, IRA Subcommittee Rep
- F. Shannon Little, Financial Aid Director
- Call to Order and Roll Call
Co-Chair Childers called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. Roll call was taken and a quorum was recognized.
- Approve Minutes of April 10, 2020
Childers called for changes or additions to the minutes; hearing none, minutes were unanimously approved.
- IRA Revised Recommendations (Review and Action) (Mel Kadar)
Kadar reminded the committee that the IRA Subcommittee was asked to revise their funding recommendations for 20/21 so as not to spend into the reserves. Funding recommendations are based on current enrollment numbers which could change come Fall. Their reconsideration rationale was to allocate 50% of what the program had received in 19/20, or for new programs, 50% of what they requested, with a suggestion to the incoming IRA Subcommittee to reassess in the Fall once enrollments and campus funding is known. If there are any funds leftover, funding allocations could be adjusted accordingly. They plan to include wording in the award letters that this initial award determination may be the only funding they receive for the year.
Robbins noted that the Sonoma Film Institute (SFI) had a zero allocation and expressed concern about the impact this would have on the 2 courses that are tied to Institute. The courses were actually developed around the Sonoma Film Institute, which is an extraordinary resource for students. She questioned if all applications should be reassessed due to the change in the teaching and learning environment under expectations that remote operations would continue through the Fall semester. Programs might need different modalities now to deliver what IRA funds are intended to support. A speaker series costs a lot less in a remote environment so should programs that receive funding for speaker series be reassessed? How will the Rowing Club operate in a remote modality, for example?
Childers explained that the main issue with the SFI application was that it included a budget line item of $6000 to purchase films and that is not allowed under IRA criteria. Kadar added that the committee also did not see a strong student experience component in the application and that was another reason for deciding not to fund the program.
Robbins understood the committee’s position but argued that to pull all funding at this juncture when the Institute has already planned for 20/21, and 75 students have already enrolled in the courses would have a hugely negative impact on the student experience and intended outcomes for these courses.
Kadar explained that decisions are based on the application so it needs to be clear what the funding will go toward and expenses need to be in alignment with IRA criteria.
Smith suggested that perhaps a course fee would be a more appropriate funding source and stated that the Film Institute is a legacy program.
Robbins stated she was in favor of looking holistically at all programs, but right now it would be a huge disruption to the Film Institute curriculum at a time when new modalities need to be considered for Fall.
Dickson noted that the application requested $10,200 for SFI. $6000 of that was for rental of films that the IRA committee had issue with. Based on 19/20 funding, 50% would be $3749, which is less than if you removed the $6000 altogether.
Robbins pointed out that SFI would need money to convert film to digital format to adapt to a virtual learning environment and Smith added that there is no free alternative to SFI.
Co-Chair Childers called for a motion to amend the revised recommendation to include an allocation to SFI of $3749. Robbins moved to fund $3749 to SFI. Caballaro seconded. No further discussion and no dissents or abstains. Childers called the amendment approved.
Note: There will be another review and any leftover funds could be redistributed.
There are so many unknowns at this time that whatever is decided today is subject to change.
Childers then called for a motion to approve the IRA recommendations. Mel moved to approve with the amended line for SFI. Johnson seconded. No further discussion, dissents or abstains. Childers called the main motion approved.
- SFAC Website Update (information)
Sue Hardisty shared that she and Erik Dickson met with Co-Chairs Childers and Lopez on April 24 to discuss the design of the SFAC website to make it more user friendly. Lopez shared the Campus Planning and University Space Advisory Committee webpage as an example of the preferred format of content and navigation of the pages. The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs oversees a number of committees which are posted on the Student Affairs website. One of their summer projects is to review and reorganize the site which will include a review of the committee webpages. A newly formed DSA Communication Committee will be deciding how the site should be designed and organized to make it easier for anyone visiting the site to find the information they are seeking. They will want similar types of information to be presented in a consistent way, such as the committees’ webpages. As a member of the division Communication Committee, Sue will take Childers’ and Lopez’ suggestions to the committee for consideration. The new Course Fee Application form will be posted to the site once the design is finalized, and before the start of the Fall semester.
Lopez added that, as in the sample website, it’s important to include annual deliverables so folks know what the committee is working on.
- Conclusion
Childers cited tasks for SFAC to focus on next year:
- Review CPI for all fees
- Incorporate course fee application in SFAC website and communicate out to academic departments
- Develop IRA guidelines
- Finish website redesign
Lopez added:
- Develop method to measure and document student impact
Childers and Lopez thanked the committee for all their good work over the year.
Meeting adjourned at 4:02pm.
Minutes submitted by Sue Hardisty.