Office of the Vice President
From the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Dear Division of Student Affairs:
I am humbled and honored to serve as your Vice President for Student Affairs at Sonoma State University. Like my predecessors, Dr. Rand E. Link, Dr. Katharyn W. Crabbe, Dr. Wm. Gregory Sawyer, and Dr. Michael D. Young, I respect the enormity of this role and all that it entails in supporting staff and students alike. During my 22 years of service at Sonoma State, I have championed diversity, equity, and inclusion in promoting access and success for all. Proudly, I have worked alongside many of you in supporting our students from point of entry through graduation. Equally important, I have experienced the many challenges that our campus has endured over this time, including the myriad changes that have occurred within the Division of Student Affairs. I recognize that change can cause fatigue, especially as we continue working with fewer staff and limited resources; all while caring for ourselves and our students in the ongoing chaos of a post-pandemic world. However, with these challenges, I encourage us all – staff, faculty, and students – to be optimistic, work together to define our own narrative, recognize our collective knowledge, and continue to work collaboratively to get this important work done. Through collaboration and teamwork, we will be steadfast in our Division’s focus to empower and encourage students to achieve success that transcends the classroom. We will work with our Academic Affairs counterparts and other campus partners to collaboratively share the burden these challenges will present. Our focus on building community, wellness, mentorship, personal expression, growth, and a sense of belonging for our students is unwavering. I am appreciative of the way staff in the Division of Student Affairs show up daily to support our students. And because your experience is unique and important, I want to know and hear your ideas. Therefore, please watch for a calendar invitation from me. In addition to meeting with respective areas, I will meet with each of you one-to-one to gain insight into all aspects of the Division, including getting to know you better. I step into this new role with a spirit of collaboration, vow of transparency, and a commitment to support you in your personal and professional success. Our Division of Student Affairs will work hard, overcome obstacles, and face challenges head on, albeit thoughtfully and strategically. This is important work – work in which we should all be proud.
Gerald L. Jones, J.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Division of Student Affairs