Applying & Leading Assessment in Student Affairs
APPLYING & LEADING ASSESSMENT IN STUDENT AFFAIRS. We invite you to participate in this FREE, online, self-paced, 8-week course, hosted by the Office of the Vice President.
The course is being presented by Student Affairs Assessment Leaders and National Louis University and here is a brief description: If you are new to coordinating assessment, looking to build your assessment competencies, or just looking for a topical refresh, this course explores core concepts of assessment coordination, providing resources and consideration in your practice. Applying and Leading Assessment in Student Affairs is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that gives you access to assessment insights with a Student Affairs focus.
The Office of the Vice President will be hosting the course’s weekly session on Fridays starting February 28th in Salazar 2016 from 9 am to 10:30 am and expanding the time for us to learn together and dream of what we can achieve!
If you are unable to join us on Fridays, the course is online and open to anyone who is interested in learning more about coordinating Students Affairs assessment and runs from Feb 24 - Apr 19, 2020.
Please use the link below to enroll in the course.
If you are planning to participate please RSVP to Edie Brown at and let us know -
1) You signed up for the course
2) If you are participating on your own or
3) If you will be participating with us