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Basic Needs Minutes 2/18/19


  1. Schedule of Events:
    • CalFresh Outreach Day, Feb. 27
    • CalFresh Outreach CHC Subcontractor Summit, March 5 (Sacramento) Stacy and Sue attending.
    • CalFresh Forum: Calif. Food Policy Advocates, March 6, (Sacramento) Nancy attending.


Members Present:

Erik Dickson

Sue Hardisty

Stacy Heldman-Holguin

Stacey Murray

Karen Vielma-Cortez


Members Absent

Toni Borrachia

Jesus Garcia Valdez

Allison Goodwin (via ZOOM)

Karen Herrera Cruz

Nancy Keller

Gabriela Morin

Talena Sanders

  1. Schedule of Events:
    • CalFresh Outreach Day, Feb. 27

We expect about 90 students. Emailed all EOP students, Cal Grant A or B and Federal Work Study, all Seawolf Scholars, all peer advisors to share with students. Mimi and Jeffrey will help with digital media advertising (Lobovision, screens in Student Center). Posters and handouts are being printed. We are referring inquiries to Maria at Redwood Empire Food Bank (REFB). Will have pop-up pantry in plaza, need volunteers for check-in (2) 10a-2p and 1 runner to help bring people in from plaza.  Three of our Basic Needs Interns are available to work the event.  Student Health Center, Dining Services, Rohnert Park Health Center, Lobo Pantry (pop-up pantry) and REFB will be available to answer questions/provide food/information.  

Need to have tracking forms, eligibility checklists, quick reference guide to supplemental income, Getting and Keeping CalFresh information sheet, post-it notes.

Sue is working with IT on having laptops and printers set-up for staff to walk through the application process with students. We need to set up an account with CalFresh so we can log-in on the laptops to our portal and help students with the application process.  Interns can help with pre-screening and Maria and other staff can assist students with the application process.

  • CalFresh Outreach CHC Subcontractor Summit, March 5 (Sacramento) Stacy and Sue attending.
  • CalFresh Forum: Calif. Food Policy Advocates, March 6, (Sacramento) Nancy attending. Erik will see if there are interested students. We’ll pay for mileage and conference fee. Jesus is also considering attending and bringing a couple of students. We can register the attendees for them.


Stacy asked about refrigeration for the Pantry. Erik wants to make sure Tyson and Craig approve of plan. We also need a plan on how to clean bins. Erik is suggesting 3rd floor Student Center kitchen.  SB85 money will come to a close this summer and the refrigerator was to come from this money. Erik will talk to Tyson about re-coding the Pantry so we can have some perishables (left-over pop-up pantry items). Need sink for pantry.