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CalFresh Appointment Confirmation

To help prepare you for your appointment with a CalFresh Advisor, please read the following information about the application process and complete the CalFresh Intake Form prior to your appointment in order to expedite this process.

Your appointment with a CalFresh Advisor will be conducted via Zoom video/phone conferencing. 

To access your Zoom account, login to SSU's Online Services, then click the Zoom button.

In the "Meetings" link, you should see a CalFresh Appointment meeting. Click on the start button to begin the meeting.

Likewise, you can enter the meeting through the Zoom ID that is provided in the calendar appointment.

If you do not have a camera on your computer or laptop, or you don't want to use it, you can simply call into the meeting. The phone number will be provided in the calendar appointment itself as well as in the email notification for the calendar appointment. Please let the advisor know if you will not be enabling video for your appointment. It is best if you can conduct the meeting with video enabled, but it is not a requirement.

CalFresh Intake Form

This form must be completed prior to meeting with a CalFresh advisor and applying for CalFresh. This will help the advisor to further qualify you for CalFresh benefits and will save some time with the intake and application process.

Application Process

Step 1: Complete the CalFresh Intake Form (above) prior to your Zoom appointment with a CalFresh Advisor. This will help us to further qualify you for CalFresh and prepare for the application process. 

Step 2: Your eligibility will be determined during your appointment. If it looks like you are eligible for CalFresh, your Advisor will work with you to submit an online application. If it looks like your are NOT eligible for CalFresh, we will provide you with suggestions for alternative food resources.

Step 3: Most county CalFresh offices are receiving a high volume of applications right now so it is not unusual to not hear from them for up to 30 days. Based on your application, your county office may choose to waive the interview requirement, especially if you are able to provide ALL of the verifications they need to approve your application. Normally though, they will mail you a letter informing you of your interview date and time. Make sure you provide the address you want them to mail this letter to. It is very important that you are available when they call you for your interview to avoid further delays. They will call from a blocked phone number. 

  • Complete your INTERVIEW with the county office by phone. 

Step 4: You will then be required to provide verification documents to the county office. This must also be completed during the 30 day period, HOWEVER, it is best if you can provide these verifications at the time you submit your application. Your application will not be approved if you do not submit verification documents that meet their requirements. Examples of verification documentation include:

  • Identification: Copy of ID (Driver's License, State ID card, passport), school or work ID
  • Piece of U.S. mail addressed to you at your home address. Proof of address such as a rental agreement, current bill with your address listed.
  • Social Security Number for all members of the household
  • Pay stubs/income verification - Earned income of all employed members in your household for past 30 days
  • Unearned income verification  -  (Unemployment benefits, SSI, Social Security, Veteran's benefits, alimony, child support, worker's compensation, school grants or loans, rental income, etc.)
  • Immigration and naturalization verification (unless you are applying only for U.S.-born children)
  • Financial aid award letter (from California Student Aid Commission, (CSAC)) and class schedule (if a student). If you have received a Cal Grant A or B (TANF) award, you will need to submit your award letter from CSAC. This is a sample of the CSAC award letter that serves as the verification for a Cal Grant A or B (TANF) award. 
  • Proof of enrollment in exempted program (i.e. EOP, MESA, McNair Scholars, or Disability Services for Students. You would need a letter from the university verifying your affiliation with the relevant program. Contact us at if you need assistance with this verification.)

Once approved for CalFresh benefits, you will receive an EBT (Electronic Benefit Card) in the mail. Be sure to provide the mailing address in your application where you wish for this card to be mailed. Each month, the card will be reloaded with your monthly food allowance. You can use this card at most stores where groceries are sold, as well as at Farmers Markets. An EBT card works similar to a debit card. If you do not use all of the funds in a given month, the balance will roll over to the following month.

Future Action:  In order to keep your CalFresh benefits, you will be required to do the following:

  • Complete a Semiannual Report (called a SAR 7 Eligibility Report) 6 months after your initial application is approved. The County will let you know when this is due.
  • Complete a Recertification Application and be interviewed before the end of your certification period. The County will let you know when your Recertification Application is due and will send you a letter confirming the time and date of your interview. Make sure you keep your mailing address updated with the county. Most interviews will be conducted over the phone.

We look forward to meeting with you and to assisting you in obtaining your free food benefits! Please contact us if you have any questions. While we are currently working remotely during the COVID-19 Shelter in Place, we are checking our email and voicemail and will get back to you as soon as we are able to.