Fee Advisory Minutes 3/15/2019
- Friday, March 15, 2019
- 4:00-5:00 p.m.
- Knights Valley Room
- Approve Minutes of February 8, 2019
- Approve Minutes of March 4, 2019
- Review IRA Recommendations for 2019-2020 Funding
Members Present
- Arden Childers, Student at Large
- John Dunstan, AS Executive Vice President
- Christina Gamboa, AS Vice President for Finance and FAC Co-Chair
- Stacy Heldman-Holguin, Designee for VP for Student Affairs and FAC Co-Chair
- Fernando Mendoza, Student at Large
- Elizabeth O’Brien, designee for Joyce Lopes, VP for Admin & Finance
- Laura Watt, Chair of the Faculty
Members Absent
- Carley Chatterley, AS President
- Hollis Robbins, Designee for VP for Academic Affairs
Staff Present
- Sue Hardisty, Staff Support to FAC
- Hayley Ross Avery, University Budget Manager
Staff Absent
- Erik Dickson
- Susan Gutierrez, Director of Financial Aid
- Hilary C. Smith, Research Services & User Experience Librarian; Student Affairs Committee
Holguin called the meeting to order at 4:04 pm.
- Approve minutes of Feb. 8, 2019
- The minutes were provided to the committee via email prior to the meeting. Childers moved to approve the Feb. 8, 2019 minutes and Dunstan seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously with no changes.
- Approve minutes of March 4, 2019
- The minutes were provided to the committee via email prior to the meeting. Childers moved to approve the March 4, 2019 minutes and Watt seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously with no changes.
- Review IRA Recommendations
- Gamboa shared that the IRA committee capped increase requests at 50% above last year’s funding. There are many stipulations that programs must meet, such as providing budget and event attendance information, dollar to student ratios, and so forth. Sports clubs were in a second tier of program review as agreed upon by the FAC. Their requests were evaluated and approved
- Dunstan pointed out that Nursing Clinical Patient Simulation was not fully funded as the committee noted that simulation is required to be certified so the campus administration needs to identify base funding in the future or the program may need to be funded through course fees rather than through IRA funds. This year’s recommendations include allocating funds from the reserve and Dunstan stated he felt comfortable dipping into these reserves by $47,722.00. IRA based their budget on an estimated headcount of 8606. Actual headcount is higher (8716) so revenues will be greater.
- Childers wanted to change his vote or amend the notes to indicate he was in support of fully funding the Nursing Simulation request because it is a requirement of the major, he didn’t want the decision to not fully fund to negatively impact the student experience and it only takes $3000 from the reserves. The initial vote to support the proposed 50% funding of the increase request was unanimous and the change of Childers vote would not affect the decision but Holguin will ask the IRA committee to note his change of perspective.
- The increase in the Heritage Lecture Series request was really meant to fund Cultural Graduations. Dunstan would like to see this request filed under Cultural Graduations rather than Heritage Lecture Series because it is misleading. Student Affairs funds Cultural Graduations but is unable to cover stoles or cords and that is what this increase request will fund.
- A discussion then ensued about honoraria for guest lecturers and whether or not a range should be established to make it more equitable between departments. The IRA committee discussed this topic but did not have time to come to a decision about it.
- Gamboa hopes that the stipulations put on these programs will help to identify disparities in how students are served by these programs. She then noted that two similar programs, A&H Makerspace and SSU Makerspace were asked to collaborate to share resources.
- O’Brien wondered if there is a finance employee on the IRA committee who can provide trust agreements which explain what the funds can be used for and Gamboa confirmed that there is a finance person on the committee (Katie Robinson).
- Watt informed the committee that in the process of reviewing the charge of the Senate Student Affairs Committee (SAC) she recognized an opportunity to connect SAC to the Associated Students by having the chair serve on the Fee Advisory in lieu of the Chair of the Faculty. So this may be in the works.
- Holguin called for a motion to approve the IRA recommendations to be moved forward to the President for her approval. Dunstan moved to forward the IRA recommendations as submitted, Gamboa seconded the motion, all in favor, none opposed.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:35pm.
Minutes submitted by Sue Hardisty.