Black Lives Matter
A message from the Division of Student Affairs
As members of the DSA, we acknowledge our pain, our fear, and our disillusionment after this week’s past events. For many of us this metastasized hatred has, over time, fractured and split our communities, and placed our nation at risk. As members of the Division of Student Affairs, we must continue our commitment to confront racial violence, working until there is a just solution. A true culture of care begins with self, and if real change is to occur, we must use our collective strength to change the systems and structures in which we live into the community we all deserve. #BlackLivesMatter
Wm. Gregory Sawyer, Ph.D., Vice President for Student Affairs
Laura Monje-Paulson, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
Kathleen "Kathy" Andersen, M.D., Interim Director, Student Health Center
Laura Williams, PsyD, Director, Counseling and Psychological Services
Susan Wandling, Director, Pre-Collegiate Program
Erik Dickson, Executive Director, Associated Students