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New Award for TRIO-Upward Bound Math & Science

Kerry Bourns,  Assistant Director of Pre-Collegiate Programs, has received a new five year award, TRiO Upward Bound Math & Science, for a total of $1,819,315. Funding for Year 1 is $395,863.  The sponsor for this award is the US Department of Education.  

The seven TRiO Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Science Programs at Sonoma State University serve 493 9th – 12th grade students who attend targeted high schools in Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino and Lake counties. Participants attend a rigorous Saturday Academy and six-week Summer/STEM Academy as well as participate in test preparation, financial aid and college application workshops. Students also attend numerous college campus tours and frequent social and cultural field trips. Participants are prepared to enroll, persist and graduate from the four-year college/university of their choice.

Congratulations, Kerry! These grants will allow Sonoma State to continue its important work in helping pre-college students prepare, enroll and graduate with STEM degrees in four years.