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2-2-21 SFAC Minutes

Student Fee Advisory Committee


Tuesday, February 2, 2021


  1. Welcome                                                                            
  1. Approval of December 7 Minutes (Action)                   
  1. CPI 1.7% vs 1.6% (Informational – handout)           


Jonathan Juarez
Laura Monje-Paulson
Noelia Brambila
Briana Sanchez
Yeymi Perez Bravo (absent)
Emily Miller
Hollis Robbins
Jeffrey Reeder (absent)
Elizabeth O’Brien

Non-Voting Staff to the Committee:

Sue Hardisty
Erik Dickson
Hayley Avery
Hilary Smith
Shanon Little


  1. Welcome

Meeting was called to order at 12:04pm by Co-Chair Juarez.

  1. Approval of December 7 minutes.

Minutes were approved with no changes.

  1. CPI 1.7% vs 1.6%

Chair Juarez shared a 2021-22 Student Fees spreadsheet, which showed a breakdown of fees by semester since Fall 2020. Tuition did not increase. Fall 2020 CPI rate was 3.9% and Fall 2021 CPI will be 1.7%.

History: Students voted and passed a referendum in 2001 to apply the CPI to all category II fees to ensure continuity in the level of programs and services that those fees support. The referendum was approved by the President.

The CPI is what this committee discussed last Fall around the Fee Task Force recommendation to keep the CPI as part of the strategic budgeting framework to ensure that the programs and services that are provided to students through these fees are financially sustainable over time.

The Consumer Price Index is a reflection of the economy. It represents the cost of goods and services by region and is adjusted every year. This is a statistic that is used throughout our lives, including through salary increases. It can be very volatile from year to year.

Dean Robbins thanked everyone for the work of SFAC and IRA through this uncertain time.

Monje-Paulson acknowledged that the meeting time this semester may not be ideal since it is during the lunch hour and asked members if they would like to explore finding a different time through a Doodle poll?  With the exception of Faculty Chair Jeffrey Reeder, (not present but communicated in an email prior to the meeting) there were no objections to keeping this meeting time. Professor Reeder has the option to designate someone to serve in his place who is able to attend meetings at this time. Members are also welcome to eat lunch during the meeting time.

Meeting adjourned at 12:19 pm.