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Student Basic Needs and Emergency Care Fund

How you can help

Dear alumni, friends, parents, and community members,

During this extraordinary time, we want to share with our Sonoma State family how SSU is responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Now, more than ever, it’s important that we stay connected.

Like other colleges and institutions across the country and world, Sonoma State is reducing the risk of illness and spread of COVID-19 by moving to remote instruction and operations through the end of our spring semester. The university’s COVID-19 website contains the university’s latest updates as well as links to other helpful information.

As with other challenges we have faced together, our community remains compassionate and incredibly generous. Many of you have asked how you can help our students. In response, we are sharing a link to our Student Basic Needs and Emergency Care Fund.

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All of our students are affected by this pandemic and face new challenges to complete the spring semester. Providing direct support will help students cover such necessities as lost wages, housing, food, transportation, relocation costs, technology, and other essential items. More than ever, students need your support to continue their journey to graduation and toward achieving their dreams.

We are grateful to be part of such a caring community, and we thank you for your consideration. We hope you and your families stay safe and healthy during this unprecedented time.  

Warm regards,

Wm. Gregory Sawyer, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs
Sonoma State University

Daniel Yoeono (Class of 2020)
President, Associated Students
Sonoma State University

Mario A. Perez, Ed.D.
Vice President for University Advancement
Sonoma State University