Noma Cares Central

Welcome to Noma Cares Central. Noma Cares is a one-stop shop that provides support for Sonoma State students in crisis and/or acute crisis response. Though its components - Basic Need Initiative, Care Team, Confidential Advocacy, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), and their various components - issues or concerns ranging from elevated personal concerns to acute critical incidents (emergencies) are addressed with compassion and privacy.
Basic Needs is critical to student success at Sonoma State University, the Basic Needs Initiative Program provides students who may be experiencing:
- food insecurity
- housing insecurity or are homeless
- an emergency and/or a crisis
with resources and services that remove barriers and empower students to persist and thrive in their educational journey toward academic success.
CalFresh is a nutrition program that provides eligible households and individuals with a monthly allowance for groceries. Eligible students may be able to receive food expenses of $150 or more.
Charged by the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Care Team's purpose is to ease or mitigate the complex and compounding obstacles our students face which adversely impact academic success and progress during their enrollment at Sonoma State. The Care Team devises an individual plan, combining on and off campus resources, to support each student in the Care Team queue who is experiencing hardship.
Confidential Advocacy is SSU's primary confidential resource for addressing sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, and harassment.

At Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), our purpose is to support student mental health and well-being. We offer short-term individual and group counseling, workshops, crisis intervention services, consultation, referral, training, and outreach to accomplish this. All currently enrolled students who pay the mental health fee (a mandatory campus fee paid at registration) are eligible for our services. There are no additional charges for our services.

The Career Closet - Hosted by the Career Center is an on-campus resource that provides Sonoma State University students with formal attire for job interviews, frat & sorority related events, or any other occasion where students may feel inclined to "dress to impress." Funded by the Career Center and located in Noma Care Central's office in Zin 100 across from the Zinfandel mail room, all we ask is that you bring your student I.D. and be conscientious when deciding upon the amount of clothing you will be borrowing.
Noma Cares Central Contact Information
Contact Noma Cares Central at or (707) 664.3000.
- Edie Brown, EdD - Basic Needs & Care Team Lead Coordinator
- Basic Needs Initiative, Care Team
Phone: (707)-664-4157
- Kellie Douglas - Confidential Sexual Assault Victim's Advocate Coordinator
- Student Affairs - She/Her/Hers
Phone: (707)-664-2698
- Jenna McKee-Bakos - Residential Student Support Coordinator
- Residential Education and Campus Housing - She/Her/Hers
Phone: (707)-664-2398
- Becky Sandoval Young - Career Center Coordinator
- Career Center
Phone: (707)-664-2490