Confidential Advocate

Confidential Advocacy is SSU's primary confidential resource for addressing sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, and harassment.
The Confidential Advocate is part of the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) team and provides support, survivor outreach, coordination of support services, and assistance with decision-making to SSU students who are impacted or victimized by interpersonal violence or harassment.
All are welcome. We strive to acknowledge, accept, and support the perspectives of a diverse campus population. This includes, but is not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, religious/spiritual affiliation, socio-economic status, and immigration status.
If you need help now:
If this is an emergency, CALL 911
Confidential Resources:
- SSU Confidential Advocate: Kellie Douglas
- (707) 664-2698
- Location:
- Monday - Friday: Zinfandel 130 (Located in Zinfandel Village across from Mail Room)
- SSU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
- (707) 664-2153
- Verity (Sonoma County's Rape Crisis Center)
- For immediate crisis: (707) 545-7273 (operational 24/7)
- Other inquiries: (707) 545-7270
- YWCA Sonoma County
- Domestic
- Violence Crisis Hotline: (707) 546-1234
- Other inquiries: (707) 546-9922