The Student Fee Advisory Committee was developed in accordance with CSU Executive Order (EO) 1102 (section IV.A.I). The committee is advisory to the President, who is delegated authority for the oversight and adjustment of Category II & III fees. Please see Description of Fee Categories for more information about the various fee categories.
The committee's main focus is on:
- Category II – V fees (through appropriate & meaningful consultation),
- Review Category II & III proposals for fee implementation or changes,
- Review Category IV & V fees (informational),
- Serve as the working body for a student related fee referendum.
Student Fee Advisory Committee
Per Executive Order 661, August 23, 1996
Superseded by:
- Executive Order 740, April 2000
- Executive Order 1034, June 26, 2008
- Executive Order 1054, January 14, 2011
- Executive Order 1102, July 22, 2015; Revised on: May 9, 2017
Advisory to:
University President
- Associated Students President, or designee;
- Associated Students Executive Vice President, or designee;
- Associated Students Vice President of Finance, or designee;
- 2 Students at Large, Appointed by Associated Students;
- Chair of the Faculty, or designee;
- Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost, or designee;
- Vice President of Administration and Finance, or designee;
- Vice President of Student Affairs, or designee.
Term and Appointment:
By position, or recommended to be appointed on an annual basis.
Meeting Schedule:
One hour meetings twice a month during academic semesters. Does not meet in the summer session.
Charge to Committee:
Under the California State University Student Fee Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on May 15, 1996, effective August 23, 1996, issued under Executive Order 661 (Fees, Rates, and Charges), the campus Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) is charged both with the responsibility of (1) assessing the merit of a proposed fee in order to make a recommendation to the President regarding a referendum, and (2) preparing a voters' pamphlet which presents students with an objective analysis of the issues involved in the proposed fee. However, the act of recommending a student fee to the President inherently compromises the SFAC's ability to be totally objective and unbiased in preparing the voters' pamphlet for a referendum. The following actions are intended to resolve this conflict.
In the event of a proposed fee that would require a referendum, the SFAC immediately will divide into two subcommittees.
The first subcommittee will be responsible for assessing the merits of the proposal and formulating a recommendation to the President.
If the President approves a referendum, the second subcommittee will be responsible for creating a voters' pamphlet and other informational activities.
For purposes of this policy, the two subcommittees will act completely independently, with no overlapping membership or other activities that might compromise the integrity of the referendum process.
Current Year Membership (FY23/24):
- Cassandra Garcia, AS President;
- Angelina Lopez, AS Executive Vice President
- Clayton Trent, AS Vice President for Finance, SFAC Co-Chair
Sokiyna Naser, Student at Large
Onasis Mora, Student at Large
Dr. Laura Krier, Academic Senate Chair
Mike Ogg, Associate Vice President for Academic Resources as designee for Provost, VP for Academic Affairs
Elizabeth O'Brien, Director of the Seawolf Service Center, as designee for VP for Admin. & Finance
Erik Dickson, Designee for VP for Student Affairs, and SFAC Co-Chair
- Hayley Avery, Budget Manager, University Budget and Planning;
- Anna Reynolds-Smith, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Staff to SFAC
- F. Shanon Little, Director of Financial Aid;
- Hilary C. Smith, Research Services & User Experience Librarian; Student Affairs Committee Rep.
- Course Fee Policy
- Fee Advisory Committee Policy
- Open Book: Campus Budget Plan
- Student charges and fees are posted on the Seawolf Services website.
- University Trust Fund Agreement Form (Fee Based)
Agreement for establishment or continuation of a University RT-Fund (Includes Course Fee or User Fee). Instructions located on the PDF form. Please note, any course or user fee changes that impact RT-fund fees are required to be submitted to Financial Services ten business days before the start of registration to ensure timely processing.
Contact Information
For questions or to report an irregularity, please email SFAC staff at